Every year, 1000s of new retirees add themselves to the flourishing retirement community across SoDel. They need professionals and services of all kinds. They need businesses like yours. AND we can help you REACH THEM TO BUILD YOUR BOTTOM LINE.

Our community-based platform strategically reaches retirees with the information, activities, events, and BUSINESSES they need. TO stand out and connect more effectively, ENHANCE YOUR LISTING in our Directory.

  • Highlight your unique offering with a special WELCOME VIDEO
  • Elaborate on your services with attractive pictures
  • Have our journalists highlight your services as we write daily articles and facebook posts
  • Be featured on our website (ads, events, connect groups) and shared in our E-Newsletters. 

Let us know how we can help you conect more deeply with retirees across Sussex County:

As we market DelawareRetiree.com, we market you, partnering into greater exposure for all the great area businesses. Put our expertise, passion and strategy to work for you. 

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Keep in the loop with life in Sussex County DE!  We'll share fun, local events on a Thursday, and great articles on local life each Monday. 

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