It’s very difficult yet comical to have a 90 or so pound dog on your lap while trying not only to type, but also to write something meaningful (not to mention…she also snores). But like many dogs I’ve been around, she is the best with calming and caring for us humans, once you can contain her energy.

Our household in the last two weeks was what can only be explained as organized chaos and seemingly unending menu options. Four grown kids and newish spouses, babies, strollers, seats, baby gear, dogs, in-laws from across the pond, a brother and wife, mother, airports and all of that. Eleven people that needed to sleep somewhere, plus the two dogs (would have been three had my daughter not had the foresight to leave hers under the care of a neighborhood kid).
I survived, I think., and everyone left intact, and then shift number two came within the week, just as all of the sheets and towels were washed and organized.

I can’t think of lovelier company than them (my sons in-law), and they were the best guests you could ask for, and they didn’t need “Pack and Play” baby crib setups.
Such is the truly wonderful life we live here in southern Delaware. I hope I don’t sound like I’m complaining: just the opposite: it is a lot of work for sure, but it truly is such a joy to gather our immediate family on every rare occasion. It’s an opportunity too, to be able to host overseas guests who’ve never been to DE and now appreciate the beauty and unique coastal life that we live every precious day.
Back to that Lab…she’s now asleep and gave my lap a break. She’s a rescue, and as far as I know, she too is a Delawarean, and I guarantee you that she not only could beat you at retrieving, but is an excellent bay and ocean swimmer because she is growing up in this very special place.
We, like so many in what is recognized as the most dog-friendly state in the US (look it up), would not have found her unless we lived here. For her and us, it’s a special place to live. Beyond that, it’s an exceptional place to host and demonstrate to visitors why we love living here.

Great article! Agree completely! Living our best life in Delaware!