Delaware State Police (DSP) has been in existence for 98 years, protecting our roads, assisting local police forces as needed, and responding to all kinds of situations unimaginable to most of us.
What Delawareans may not realize, however, is the extent of their community outreach efforts – everything from “Trunk or Treat,” to ensure a safe Halloween for little ones in broad daylight to Community Cafes that give residents opportunities to learn more about their programs.

Depending upon the jurisdiction and size of the city or town, there may or may not be a local police force. That’s where the DSP assists with everything from emergency response, EMS services and fire companies’ efforts. They help with investigations of crime and other safety issues. But there is much more that new retirees unfamiliar yet with Delaware’s troopers should know. Wait until you hear about some of their other efforts!
For example, it you are new to a neighborhood, they are available to help residents understand the security and safety of their homes and surroundings through their “Community and Home Assessments” program.
Their “Honorary Commanders” program is a partnership with local community leaders and political figures – a forum to discuss neighborhood concerns and open channels of communication. Their “Neighborhood Watch” program is a collaboration of residents and DSP to be able to report any suspicious activity. And their community education programs stress the importance in particular for children and seniors.
Fingerprinting (especially for children) is available to the public as a precaution for safety and identification. “Operation Troopers Have Your Back Pack” provides free school supplies for disadvantaged children. They also provide mentoring opportunities and substance abuse prevention programs in schools throughout Delaware.
The DSP is also a partner with Delaware Special Olympics. Law enforcement have collectively raised $8.6 million over its 34-year history, and they are given the sole privilege to present the awards!
Through collaboration with local law enforcement, the DSP is highly involved with crime investigation and other support services. Delaware, for example, was the first state in the country to implement a crisis service, 800-VICTIM-1 years ago. Victims of a crime, trauma, sudden loss or even unexpected hospitalization can receive free counseling and support services any time of the day. They even visit residents in their own homes if requested!
The DSP web site is filled with a wealth of information for Delaware residents, including resources such as, a source of crime notices or other important information specific to your neighborhood and/or zip code.
So next time you see a “Statie” on the side of the road, perhaps pulling someone over for a traffic offense or assistance, keep in mind how they risk their own lives every day at work to keep all of us safe. They, like all other branches of first responders are true heroes.