If you are a fan of community theater, you’ll not want to miss the chance to enjoy the Possum Point Players, a troupe of dedicated actors, directors, youth and volunteer stage hands and costume designers.

With shows ranging from Broadway revival to comedies to youth theater and Shakespeare, there’s something for everyone. And it’s now celebrating its 50th season at Possum Hall, a 184-seat theater in Georgetown.
Started with a group of “PPP Dreamers United” 50 years ago who recognized the need for artists of all age groups and talents to come together and present community theater in Southern Delaware. And community-minded it is. There are acting classes this summer, and every show has its own director. Open auditions are held for each performance, while people behind the scenes volunteer their own talent to make the shows audience pleasers.
During it 50th Anniversary Season, a few of its shows previously performed, such as “Social Security” and Ragtime were lined up. The holiday season this year features two family-friendly performances.

Possum Juniors is a division that celebrates youth talent, while “On The Edge” is a series of experimental (some might say daring) performances. If Shakespeare is more your style, the Shakespeare Players concentrate on a combination of actors’ monthly readings and occasional performances of the Bard’s classics. They have performed in other venues throughout SoDel, and also have entertained at fundraisers and conducted classes for students in local high schools.
Another featured monthly series takes a vintage radio approach, complete with a set reminiscent of the grand radio days of the 1930s through the 50s. Audience participation is encouraged, and subject matter ranges from stories to hilarious classics.
Single tickets for each show are available, but many patrons opt for season subscriptions for the benefit of choice seating ($110 for adults, and $100 for seniors). All performances take place on weekends with Sunday matinees. Possum Point Players’ TICKETLINE is (302) 856-4560. Their website with a listing of all shows and ticket prices is http://www.possumpointplayers.org.