Staying healthy, flexible and fit is a priority for many of us who want to make the most of each day in EVERY stage of life. We’ve written articles on yoga before, excited to share about the basics, about where to connect for yoga, and other healthy living tips. Now, we’re excited to share about a local team with an amazing approach that might just be your perfect fit.
Svaroopa® yoga gives you more than a workout does, but with less work. This yoga is leveraged. You don’t think you did anything, yet you actually did more than ever before. You get huge results for a little bit of effort. Svaroopa® yoga is not exercise, it’s a highly effective balance to your active and busy life.
What is Svaroopa® Yoga?
This style of yoga provides a core release of tension in the muscles around your spine. This is accomplished with precise alignments and support in the poses. Releasing the tension in the muscles around your spine reduces and eliminates pain, improves sleep, increases flexibility, realigns your legs and feet, stabilizes your joints and quiets your mind.
Who can do Svaroopa® Yoga?
Anybody can practice Svaroopa® Yoga. It uses props for support in order to meet your body where it’s at right now. This is truly yoga that anyone can do regardless of your experience, flexibility or fitness level.
What is a Svaroopa® Yoga class like?
The class begins and ends in a resting pose that promotes relaxation and awareness — Shavasana. This is followed by a series of poses that take you through a spinal sequence — tailbone, sacrum, waist and ribcage — to release spinal tensions. You will be trained in the most effective alignment needed for each pose, and your teacher will provide you with the proper support that your body needs to create core openings where it is the tightest. These poses build strength, stamina and increased flexibility.
What classes are offered at each location? Do I need a beginner’s class?
Both locations offer Svaroopa® yoga and meditation classes, free yoga and meditation programs, private yoga therapy sessions, ½ day workshops, and special programs. Beginners are welcome in every class except Deeper. Class descriptions are available on both websites/schedules.
What is Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation?
Live from the deepest dimension of your own being through meditation on your own Self. Deepen your inner experience through svaroopavidya, the experiential knowing of your own deepest essence, a technology based in yoga’s tantric system. Whatever you think meditation can do for you, it will give you so much more! Meditation is easy and accessible to beginners and meditators alike. Both locations offer tuition-based meditation classes and free programs that provide a generous and deep meditation period with a traditional Indian satsang.
Come for the physical changes that Svaroopa® yoga guarantees: reducing pain, reversing the age-clock and boosting your healing power. Simultaneously you get more: you smile more easily, breathe more fully, love more openly and discover there is more within you than you imagined.
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What people are saying…

All are welcome to Rehoboth Beach Yoga. Located in the friendly, seaside resort town of Rehoboth Beach, DE, we have been operating since 2000. We offer Svaroopa® Yoga instruction, Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation instruction, and yoga therapy to new and experienced students, and for residents and visitors in our area. Join us! Terry, Sandy, Kelly, Mary Jean, Elaine, Chelsea, Lisa and Prema.
302-725-YOGA (9642) | | 20245 Bay Vista Rd, Ste 101 | Rehoboth Beach, Delaware 19971
Svaroopa® and Embodyment® are servicemarks of SVA used under license
Photos used courtesy of Svaroopa Vidya Ashram