Volunteerism Part 4: Literacy
We start as small children “reading” picture books, and our imaginations make up the words. Then if we are fortunate, words, the alphabet and imagination lead us to greater goals.
The written word is a gift. Sadly, there are many in our midst however who don’t know how to comprehend what letters represent, let alone how they can be put together to construct sentences and paragraphs. Being illiterate is a distinct disadvantage – like trying to understand a foreign language without an interpreter.
A fantastic volunteer opportunity is at hand here. Teaching literacy can transform another person’s future towards an extraordinary and productive life of…, whatever awaits. Here’s how you can help and get involved.
Literacy Delaware is a good place to start as a volunteer. Training is paramount, so it’s not as though you just pick up a book and expect your individual or group to go along.

Volunteers are matched appropriately, and although experience with ESL (English as a Second Language) is preferred, proper training is provided through Delaware’s Department of Social Services. Volunteers meet with their client/clients weekly, and progress is tracked.
Tutoring can take place in person, but these days, it is becoming more common to have tutoring sessions virtually as well. Libraries, for example can provide computer access to individuals who wouldn’t otherwise have access to technology.
Reading aloud to a child has been shown to accelerate his or her ability to excel not only in the classroom, but also on the playground. In school, and even with arts, fine and/or performing arts, the finer side of words that can be learned through reading gives kids (or adults) a step up.
Read Aloud Delaware addresses this opportunity with the most fundamental mission: to provide children, and adults with the gift of reading.
Read this, Delaware retirees (taken directly from the website Read Aloud Delaware), and consider this altruistic volunteer opportunity.
Children who read one-on-one with Read Aloud volunteers are:
- More likely to be employed as adults
- Less likely to drop out of school
- Less likely to depend on public assistance
The Read Aloud Delaware experience sets children on the road to literacy success.
If you’d like to volunteer, here are some links.
Volunteer Match – Literacy Delaware
As we look at the beautiful communities around us, we also see PLENTY of opportunities to jump in and give back! We will keep sharing monthly a new “CAUSE OF THE MONTH” and as always, we INVITE YOU to keep us in the loop with new causes, new events, and stories about the ways you’ve found to make a difference! Email us at connect@delawareretiree.com