02OctoberBECOME A WEEKLY VOLUNTEER at Humane PartnersHumane Partners (DHA and SPCA together) flourishes to provide a home for every animal through the support of a TEAM … Continued
09OctoberLooking for a chance to make a difference? Volunteer with DBCCHelp Us Today The Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition has a variety of ways to engage volunteers. How you volunteer with … Continued
“Breaking Bread” With Others: DE Seniors and the Most Generous Gift Meals on Wheels, Lewes-Rehoboth is an operation filled with optimism, gratitude and precision. Every day, for those who may not … Continued
Connecting Sussex Co. Veterans to Support Are you a veteran? Married to a veteran? Widowed to a veteran? SO MANY QUALIFY for Healthcare and Benefits that … Continued
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